A poetic romantic piece for flute and piano, composed by Veronica Yen. 詩意的浪漫小品,給鋼琴與長笛。 『Alina Cojocaru是倫敦皇家芭蕾裡我最喜愛的首席舞蹈家。她纖細的藝術表情,戲劇性的張力,輕巧的身段,如同羽毛般焉然劃過眼前,似乎不留痕跡卻又深刻不已,然而我最喜愛她藝術裡,一股純真的質地。 Alina’s Song中段轉為大調,描繪在舞台上演的童話或仙境般的芭蕾舞劇,是觀眾所見到的Alina,那位如同仙子或小公主一般的Alina。 然而,一位追懸完美境地的藝術家,有個孤獨的自我世界。但,這種藝術沈浸並不真的孤獨,換來的是無與倫比的美感經驗和深刻的喜悅。 Alina Cojocaru is my favourite principle at the Royal Ballet. She is petite, dances like a feather, and yet, with a delicate artistic expression and dramatic intensity of her own. In the middle part of the piece, I modulated it into G major, to present the fairy tale scenes that we see her act in the ballet. And yet, searching for the perfection in art is a long and lonely journey. But what a joyful loneliness! This piece is dedicated to Ballerina Alina!』from the composer Veronica Yen / 作曲家自述