Pay with a Poem ~ 奧地利小紅帽咖啡



在Gold Coast的Marina Mirage,Versace Palazzo旁的shopping mall裡遇見這個風格獨特的咖啡廳:Julius Meinl,整個kiosk的設計就是手上咖啡杯的形貌,鮮麗紅杯配上黑色把手整個造型亮眼,而上方的小紅帽裝飾成了大家對他的稱呼:「小紅帽咖啡」!

查了一下才發現這是1862年在維也納創立的咖啡品牌: (茱莉曼尼紅帽咖啡 難怪其咖啡充滿Viennese flavour,一種來自維也納的純濃香氣啊!更絕妙的是,這品牌積極與文化連結,自2015年開始,在三月在奧地利辦了一個活動:Poetry can make our world better!! Pay with a poem!用一首詩換一杯咖啡!

多美啊!發起人Robert Montegomery相信詩的力量,並在2016的3/21當天擴大這活動,3/21在世界34國家,1300家分店,發起Pay with a Poem…,當天,世界上共產出超過100000首詩呢!他說:“I love how Pay With A Poem provides a little pocket of freedom, where money is replaced by poetry. Instead of using a banknote or a credit card people can transfer value to poetry, and use it as an alternative form of payment.”


位在shopping mall裡面的小紅帽咖啡


“We need poetry as much as we need nature. We need it to repopulate the places devoid of emotion with our dreams and our imagination. Poems can change our days for the better. They did it on March 21st. They are doing it now, once again.”
Robert Montgomery